BrynQ 6.0: Smarter Interface Management with a Fresh Design & New Features

Discover BrynQ 6.0: a fresh design for better usability and a powerful new scoping feature to streamline interface management. Future-proof, efficient, and internationally scalable!
How Ascom optimized its technician timekeeping with BrynQ

Essent uses BrynQ for building intergrations between their global HCM and local HR and Payroll system.
Streamlining Global HR Management: Neways Electronics

Discover how Neways leveraged BrynQ’s advanced HR integration to streamline global HR management, achieving consistent and accurate data reporting across multiple countries.
Greater job satisfaction thanks to smart HR workflows at Essent

Essent uses BrynQ for building intergrations between their global HCM and local HR and Payroll system.